Our Community-Sourced Montessori Friendly Kids Book Recommendations

Our Community-Sourced Montessori Friendly Kids Book Recommendations

Our Community-Sourced Montessori Friendly Kids Book Recommendations

As a parent it can be hard and time consuming to find a new worthwhile book for your child. Some of the best children’s books can come from perusing your sister’s shelves or from asking your online mom group for suggestions. While you can find a few gems that way, you don’t always get a variety or very many. This is how we came with the idea to provide a large community-sourced book list. To do this, we asked our Instagram community for their most recommended children's books in hopes of learning what books parents and children truly enjoy and learn from. We got over 600 responses! Whether you’re looking for a baby book, a toddler book, a preschool book, or something for an older child, hopefully this list can provide new ideas and help as you create a love of books and learning together.

We have categorized the books so that you can more easily find what you are looking for! To get all categorized recommendations, enter your email below and you will receive the full list. Here are some of the books and the value that they can provide to your child:

Global Babies
by The Global Fund for Children
Best for Ages 3 months to 3 years

Global Babies shares how each child is unique and special, all around the world. Infants and toddlers tend to enjoy looking at other babies to observe expressions! The words in the book are simple so that you can add your own information about the country. By having REAL pictures of REAL babies around the world, your child can be introduced to different cultures, clothes from around the world, and global diversity. (Montessori-friendly)
Here We Are
by Oliver Jeffers
Best for Ages 1 to 7 years

Here We Are is a great way to discuss caring for the Earth and the people in it. The book shares facts about the Earth and bodies while showing people in the world from all their varying styles, cultures, and lifestyles. As you continue to share these concepts of individuality and kindness early on, you could be surprised by how much they understand.
Why Johnny Doesn't Flap
by Clay Morton and Gail Morton
Best for Ages 4 to 8 years

Why Johnny Doesn’t Flap gives a unique perspective from the eyes of a neurodivergent child that explains why his neurotypical friend doesn't avoid eye contact or flap their arms, but why he connects to him anyways. This book about autism for kids can be a great way to introduce your child to the autistic spectrum or a unique opportunity for young readers with autism to see themselves as the main character.
The Rabbit Listened
by Cori Doerrfeld
Best for Ages 3 to 5 years

The Rabbit Listened can be a great way to open your child's eyes to ways to deal with hard feelings. It is an important skill to learn how to comfort people and through this book you can reinforce the importance of compassion as a skill. This is a good option for an introductory children’s book about feelings.
The Day You Begin
by Jacqueline Woodsen
Best for Ages 5 to 8 years

The Day You Begin is a book that can be used as a tool to discuss starting a new school as well as diversity, differences and acceptance with your children! This book can be a great picture book about diversity as you continue conversations on race, language, abilities, personalities and more. Through reading this, you can highlight the benefits of everyone being different.
Hands Can
by Cheryl Hudson
Best for Ages 2 to 5 years

Hands Can offers pictures of children as they use their hands to practice various gross motor skill mastery. Through rhyming and engaging imagery, your child is shown some of the simple and complex things they can mimic as you explore this book together. (Montessori-friendly)
You're Here for a Reason
by Nancy Tillman
Best for Ages 4 to 8 years

You're Here for a Reason can introduce your child to the difficult concept of understanding hard feelings or depression. This can also be a good resource for adults as they read it! This heartfelt book can help remind your child of their importance and individuality.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
by Bill Martin, Jr. and Eric Carle
Best for Ages 6 months to 5 years

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? is a great way to introduce colors and animals to your child! In fact, this is one of the most recommended books for babies under 1 that they’ll keep enjoying and recognizing as they get older. By keeping the same pattern of words but changing the animals out there is a level of predictability for your little one, which can keep them from getting distracted.
Let's Find Momo Outdoors
by Andrew Knapp
Best for Ages 2 to 5 years

Let's Find Momo Outdoors is a fun look and find book with real photos! Your child can look for the animals and objects on every page which allows you to discuss the purpose of various items with them. This can help them practice their looking skills and increase their vocabulary. (Montessori-friendly)
Blueberries for Sal
by Robert McCloskey
Best for Ages 3 to 7 years

Blueberries for Sal is like a field trip to yesteryear. The book is set up with a parallel structure between a child and a baby bear. With black and white illustrations the book keeps the focus on the story. This can help as you find simple things that can increase the attention span for children.
Shh! We Have a Plan
by Chris Haughton
Best for Ages 2 to 5 years

Shh! We Have a Plan is a playful book that shows 4 friends trying to carry out their plan to catch a bird. Your child can act out the actions as you read the book to them and maybe even repeat some of the lines along with you! This book can be a great way to help encourage a love of reading.
The Cool Bean
by Jory John and Pete Oswald
Best for Ages 5 to 9 years

The Cool Bean is a great children’s book about friendship and inclusion. While sharing what makes someone ‘cool’, it shifts the focus to small acts of kindness having a large impact. As they read this book it can reinforce many skills and ideas of being considerate and inclusive.
There are so many books available to you that hopefully this can give you an idea of quality books for your children through personal recommendations. To see more book suggestions from the community, share your email below.

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