Tips for Safely Using a Toddler Tower

Tips for Safely Using a Toddler Tower

Tips for Safely Using a Toddler Tower

First, what is a Toddler Tower and why might I want one? 

Here is a quick Toddler Tower 101! Toddler Towers are child-safe stools used to help children be involved in activities in the home. Since homes are structured for adult benefit, children often have things out of reach, vision, or access. While having things out of reach may provide some safety, it also removes the opportunity for independence, confidence-building activities, and practical life skill practice. A tower is often used in a kitchen, but shouldn't feel limited to being used there! Here are a few places we have seen people use them:

rooms a learning tower can be used in

When should a tower be used?

You might be wondering, what age can you start using a Toddler Tower? This depends on the tower you have!

Some key things for beginning to use Sprout's Tower:

  • Sprout's Tower can be used starting when a child is 28" tall (which tends to be between 10-14 months).
  • A key thing to consider is if your child can stand independently; this ability is a must for tower use. 
  • The skill of climbing stairs is often one that can indicate greater tower readiness.
  • Another option is to purchase our Full Plate accessory. It can provide additional security if you have some concerns with your child using the Toddler Tower. See more details on when this could be used here

As for the maximum age, we recommend stopping when children reach around 44" tall (which often happens between 5-6 years old). As a general rule, if your child’s belly button is above the top of the Tower’s sides, you should lower the standing platform. 

Boy using a learning tower and highlighting safe use

Things to keep in mind with the Sprout Tower

What makes a Toddler Tower safe? Sprout's Tower is small but sturdy, with tapered legs that give it a solid foundation (meaning safe for active toddlers) without taking up too much space. An adjustable platform makes it appropriate for a wide variety of ages, so your little one can use their learning tower for years to come.
learning tower adjusting height
There are some attachments for the tower that can make it safer for children of a variety of ages and abilities. We include a dowel and a guard plate, which we recommend using if your child is using the tallest platform setting. Looking for extra support? The Full Plate can add additional support until you and your child feel confident with them in the tower. 
learning tower accessories

How can a child use a learning tower safely? The most important thing to keep in mind for safe use is that we always encourage a child to use it with a caregiver in the room. Misuse can start happening at any moment, and being there to support your child will help keep them safe!

General examples of misuse would be unsupervised use, rocking the tower, climbing on the sides, or climbing up through the top onto other surfaces (like a counter). 

We hope this helps as you decide if a Toddler Tower would be helpful for your child! What questions do you have about the Toddler Tower? Ask below, we would love to help!

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