Self-Care for Kids

By allowing her to make independent choices and develop practical life skills, we nurture her sense of independence and responsibility.

Q: What self-care activities did you start with? How long did those first activities take to master before building on them?

Our self-care journey began when my daughter was just 14 months old. At that age, we started with a simple activity – allowing her to choose her own clothes. We placed different clothes in baskets and let her explore and select what she liked. It might have seemed like a small step, but it laid the foundation for her future self-care skills.

As she grew older, around the age of 2, we noticed her increasing independence. This led us to label the drawers in her wardrobe with the types of clothes they held. With our guidance, she learned to place her clothes in the appropriate drawers, fostering organization and responsibility at such a young age.

By the time she turned 4, she had become remarkably proficient at taking care of herself. She could confidently select the right clothes and dress herself without our assistance. This newfound independence boosted her self-confidence and self-reliance, while also granting us more time to focus on other tasks.

Our story serves as a testament to the importance of instilling self-care skills from an early age. By providing our children with the necessary tools, such as a reachable wardrobe and opportunities to act independently, we empower them to develop into responsible and independent individuals. These skills will prove invaluable throughout their lives.


Q: Did your daughter show interest in these activities? What have you done if she has ever not shown interest in some of these necessary practical activities?

Certainly, my daughter displayed genuine interest in these self-care activities right from the beginning. From the moment we introduced the baskets of clothes for her to choose from, she eagerly explored and made her selections. The autonomy and independence that came with selecting her own outfits seemed to delight her.

Of course, there were times when she did not exhibit interest or enthusiasm in certain practical activities associated with self-care. For instance, there were instances when she seemed disinterested in sorting her clothes into the labeled drawers or lacked enthusiasm when it came to dressing independently. In such situations, we approached the matter with patience and flexibility.

Rather than pressuring her, we sought to understand her perspective and find ways to make the activities more engaging. Occasionally, we transformed these tasks into enjoyable games or incorporated her favorite toys or characters to pique her interest. Furthermore, we provided positive reinforcement and encouragement whenever she made progress or accomplished a task independently.

It is important to acknowledge that children possess their unique preferences and rhythms, and not every activity will always capture their interest. As parents, we must remain adaptable, adjusting our approach to meet their needs while gently encouraging the development of essential self-care skills. 


Q: How have you prepared her space to invite independent self-care?

We have taken deliberate steps to create an environment that fosters independent self-care for my daughter. First and foremost, we ensured that her wardrobe was positioned at a height that she could comfortably reach, allowing her to select her clothes without assistance.

In addition to this, we organized the wardrobe in a visually clear and accessible manner. We took it a step further by labeling each drawer, explicitly indicating the types of clothing that belonged in them. This helped her to understand where each item should be stored and encouraged her to independently put away her clothes.

To further support her self-care journey, we provided her with child-friendly tools designed to suit her small hands. These included brushes, combs, toothbrushes, and other essential items necessary for her daily routines. Equipping her with tools specifically tailored to her size and abilities simplified the process and made it more comfortable for her to engage in activities like brushing her hair or teeth.

Through these deliberate preparations, we have created an environment that invites and empowers my daughter to take charge of her self-care. By allowing her to make independent choices and develop practical life skills, we nurture her sense of independence and responsibility. Taking ownership of her routines in this manner has played a crucial role in fostering her growth and development.


Q: How do you provide boundaries within her self-care activities?

Within my daughter's self-care activities, we establish boundaries to guide her choices and ensure appropriateness. One effective method we employ is curating the clothing options in her wardrobe based on the seasons. Every Sunday, we preselect outfits, taking into consideration the weather conditions and upcoming events or activities.

By narrowing down the choices to seasonally appropriate clothing, we provide a framework that aids her in making suitable decisions. This ensures that she dresses comfortably and adequately for the predicted weather. Additionally, it streamlines the decision-making process, making it easier for her to independently select an outfit that aligns with the current season.

Establishing these boundaries helps her understand that certain limitations and considerations need to be considered when choosing her clothes. It cultivates a sense of responsibility and an awareness of practical factors that influence her self-care choices. By offering a focused range of options within a defined parameter, we strike a balance between fostering her autonomy and providing guidance for appropriate decision-making.

Items to Support Self-Care